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Updated: December 10, 2020


The Woodbridge Club (“Club”) is a non-for-profit social club that provides paying Members/Owners with a wide range of social benefits and services such as, but not limited to, swimming, tennis, and various family events.

The Code of Conduct (“Code”) has been developed to ensure that the Club is a safe, friendly and respectful place for Members/Owners, visitors and staff to gather in the spirit of cooperation, relaxation, good will, fun and friendly competition. This Code of Conduct differs from and is distinctly separate from the Club rules and by-laws in that it addresses acceptable/unacceptable behavior. 

As Members/Owners each of us has as a responsibility to uphold the principles of:

Behaving Responsibly. Use good judgment, being honest and ethical in every action you take. 

Ask for help. When an answer is not clear, ask for guidance before taking action.

Stay alert. Pay close attention to any activity that is inconsistent with our Code, policies, or occupational health and safety laws..

Report concerns. Do not ignore a violation. Report your concerns immediately to the Club Director or Assistant Director. If the concern involves the Club Director or Assistant Director, reports may be made to the President or Vice President  of the Board of Directors.

Model the Code and our values. Promote a culture of integrity by making ethical decisions and showing honesty and integrity in your actions. 

Policy Modifications and Waivers

We realize that the Code will not cover every possible circumstance, especially when issues arise outside the foreseeable norms. The Code is broadly stated and thus, the Club, via the Board of Directors, may modify the Code, as necessary. Any waivers of the Code, however, must be approved by the Director, Assistant Director or the Board of Directors. In the extremely rare situation that a waiver is approved, we will quickly and properly disclose it where required by law.

Administering the Code

The Club Director, Assistant Director and/or Board of Directors are responsible for administering the Code in an independent, objective and consistent manner. 

Code of Conduct Expectations

  1. The Club and facilities are free of any form of harassing behavior.  Any physical, verbal or sexual harassment will not be tolerated.
  2. The Club is a family friendly environment.  Obscenities, aggressive, inappropriate or offensive behavior shall not be tolerated. 
  3. Discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status shall not be tolerated at the Club or any Club sponsored activity or event. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of members, volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. The Club, its Members/Owners and staff, are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.
  4. Members/Owners shall not denigrate, talk down to, or speak inappropriately and/or rudely to staff members, general membership and/or guests.  
  5. Members/Owners shall treat other members, guests, staff and patrons fairly, equally and with respect and courtesy.
  6. Members/Owners shall behave responsibly.  All Members/Owners shall refrain from acting in a manner which may damage or jeopardize the reputation or name of the Club. 
  7. Members/Owners agree to pay all fees in relation to any Club event or offering (e.g. social event tickets, memberships and the like) which that Member/Owner has committed to, regardless of whether the Member/Owner attends the event or not.
  8. Members/Owners agree to update all contact information with Club staff and personnel.  Should there be a change in household status or membership needs, Members/Owners are responsible for communicating such changes to the Club Director.  
  9. Members/Owners may not use their membership privileges to benefit other individuals or families, except in those specific events or situations that are advertised for non-members.  
  10. Members/Owners are responsible for the behavior of all of their respective guests or non-member visitors.  Members/Owners must ensure that guests understand Club policies and that they adhere to the Code during their visit to the facility.
  11. Members/Owners are responsible for discussing the Code with their children.

Breaches of this Code of Conduct

  1. The consequences for breach of the Code are at the discretion of the Club Director, Assistant Director and the Board of Directors.
  2. Any behavior deemed to be a violation of the Code may result in Members/Owners and/or guests being immediately removed from an event or the facility.  
  3. Any inappropriate behavior or the report of any incident shall be fully investigated by the Club Director, Assistant Director and (when deemed appropriate due to severity) the Executive Committee.  At his/hers/its sole discretion, the Club Director, Assistant Director and/or Executive Committee may ask for evidence such as written or verbal statements from all involved parties.  Upon completion of any investigation, the Executive Committee shall make a written recommendation of verbal warning, written reprimand, suspension or revocation of membership privileges. Any recommendation(s) made by the Executive Committee and subsequently voted on by the Board of Directors are final decisions without the right of appeal or further review.

As a Member/Owner of the Club, I have had an opportunity to read The Woodbridge Club Code of Conduct and agree to abide by the terms.  By way of my signature hereto, I understand that the Code has been drafted to protect the integrity of and atmosphere at the Club for all Members/Owners, Staff and Guests. Refusal to sign this Code will result in loss of membership with no refund

10 Milhaven Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525

Call Us
Main 203-397-CLUB (2582)
Tennis Pro 203-915-3550

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